

发帖者 piglet 时间: 下午4:11
do something really really funny ...
12am...my bro wake me up
But he didnt tell me for what..
Then I thought is time to school
and go to change my cloth ...
And sleep while waiting for my mum
When I wake up in the morning 440am..
I noticed that I did something so so funny...
aiz...I am really mad lah...
I study for my sej..but
really so lazy...then I just read half of it
And throw it away...
and do my malay notes..
actually wanna do it on wednesday night..

Tomorrow got calculus test..
oh no..hate it....
Why ah teng dont cancel it wor...??
It is not enough time for us to learn the vector..
but still wanna waste the time to test meh...
Now ,
I dont admit that he is stable..
He always do wrong things de....

1st recess...
forgot to buy ah leong's bread ..
Then...the 3,4,5 period I am so cham...
wakaka...gl also teach us calculus..
And gl said ah leong so fierce(when sleeping)
aza aza...ah leong teach de..!!

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