
little white

发帖者 piglet 时间: 下午4:48
Today dont know why suddenly need little white
I stole it from evon...
hah...sorry lol
tmr I will return two little white to you...

Today also got the sej and physics test...
yesterday read it until 12.....
then I give up the sej and physics...
and go to sleep .
wah..I like it..
Then ,I decided to arise at 3 am
dont know why the will rain..
and make me feel more and more sleepy
I got wake up but
dont know why I just think about all the perang ...
and perang until 6 ararar
Then I remembered that actually I want to study my physics....

And ah teng today also said
next saturday calculus test..
got a little bit scary...
These three weeks everyday also test test test..
aiz...I need holiday......

1 评论 on "little white"

evon on 2009年4月16日 下午11:04 说...

stole my little white ....



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